Real-Time Exclusion Checks

Ensure compliance and protect your organization with our real-time exclusion screening service.
Automated Exclusion Screening
Comprehensive Compliance Documentation
Secure Data Management
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K2 Pharmarcy

Everything You Need for Pharmacy Compliance

Discover the key features that make K2 Pharmacy your all-in-one solution for achieving and maintaining compliance.

Real-Time Checks

Perform automated checks against the latest federal exclusion lists to ensure continuous compliance.

Detailed Evidence

Generate detailed compliance reports that are easily accessible for audits and reviews.

Match Identification

Ensure the confidentiality and security of all employee data with robust data protection measures.

Secure & Confidential

Identify and review all name similarities on exclusion lists, efficiently managing false positives to maintain compliance accuracy.

Effortless exclusion screening

Regular Updates: Automated checks against the latest federal exclusion lists.
Accurate Verification: Ensure employees and potential hires are not excluded individuals.
Time-Saving: Reduce manual effort with automated verification processes.
All Express

Flexible screening options

Tailored Schedules: Customize screening schedules to meet your organization’s needs.
Regular Updates: Perform checks at intervals that suit your compliance strategy.
Proactive Management: Stay ahead of compliance requirements with regular screenings.

Accurate match identification

Thorough Matching: Catch all similarities on exclusion lists to your workforce names.
Detailed Review: Check and investigate each match to determine any false positives.
Efficient Management: Quickly resolve false positives to maintain accurate compliance records.

Ensure Workforce Compliance with Seamless Exclusion Screening

Start your exclusion screening today and ensure your workforce meets federal standards. Get started with K2 Exclude!

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to common questions about K2 GRC's features, services, and more.
Why do I need K2 Exclude?
To understand if any member of your workforce is among public exclusion lists for security reasons. To fulfill the HIPAA Security Rule’s need for performing exclusion checks. To document and record evidence of the findings within the platform.
What kinds of lists does K2 Exclude check?
OIG-LEIE (Office of Inspector General - List of Excluded Individuals/Entities) , (System for Award Management) , Federal and State Medicaid Search.
Where in K2 do I find Exclude?
Within the ‘People’ tab under Scope - scroll down to the bottom.
How do I enroll a new user into K2 Exclude?
When adding a new active workforce member, ensure their birthdate is attached to their record (Exclude will NOT work unless a birthdate is attached). Once added, scroll down to the K2 Exclude bean and enroll them by clicking the person icon above the magnifying glass, this will enroll them into K2 Exclude and begin searching datasets for any findings.
How do I know when there is a finding on a workforce member?
You will see the ‘Number of unresolved exclusions’ field begin to populate with how many findings there are, an exclamation point will appear under the ‘Current State’ field, and the ‘Order Status’ field will change from ‘No Results Found’ to ‘Results Found’.
How do I dispute or accept the findings?
o dispute or accept the findings, you will need to perform the following steps:Click the magnifying glass (Show exclusions) button, this will open up a table that provides each finding. Under the ‘Actions’ field there will be three buttons, a ‘✔’, an ‘X’ and a ‘ⓘ’. ‘✔’ = Accept Exclusion; ‘X’ = Ignore Exclusion; ‘Ⓘ’ = More Info. Click either the ‘✔’ to  accept the exclusion or ‘X’ to  ignore the exclusion. Clicking the ‘Ⓘ’ will give more information on the exclusion. Clicking the ‘✔’ will save the exclusion for the person's record.
How do I continuously monitor exclusion checks?
While the list updates every time you access K2 Exclude, there is separately a Task within the K2 platform called “Exclusion Checks.”  This task’s frequency is preconfigured to 30 days, meaning every month an admin user of K2 is assigned to check K2 Exclude.  This task is a part of Identification in K2 HIPAA.

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